Find The Right Doctor
Whether you’re looking for a new doctor or a specialist for a particular condition, West Suburban Medical Center offers a network of caring, compassionate health care providers who are ready to meet your needs. To find a doctor affiliated with West Suburban Medical Center, use our online tool or call 708-763-6518.
To find a doctor affiliated with West Suburban Medical Center, select a Specialty. You must select a specialty unless you are searching by the doctor’s last name. You may also call 708-763-6518 for a physician referral.
Many of the physicians featured on this website are independent members in good standing with the medical staff at West Suburban Medical Center and are neither employees nor agents of the hospital. As such, West Suburban Medical Center is not responsible for any actions that these physicians may take in their medical practices. These physicians are independent physicians who are members of the West Suburban Medical Center medical staff, and are not employees, agents or partners of West Suburban Medical Center , and have not entered into joint ventures with the hospital.